This is a fantastic article that accurately describes the betrayal process by government and leadership against the American law enforcement officer. Keith Graves delivered the receipts on this leadership lesson. I hope all the cops who missed 'The Fall of Minneapolis' take this opportunity to check it out.

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Hate. A word I embraced during my 28 years working patrol and traffic. You receive lots of Hate in the field, and unfortunately you give some Hate back. The most difficult Hate is back stabbing Hate from your own side.

I wish I had a better understanding of my Christianity during my working years. It would have helped me deal with Hate in a healthier way, and saved me from a lot of grief and headaches.

"Hatred is a poison that destroys us from within, producing bitterness that eats away at our hearts and minds. This is why the Scriptures tell us not to let a “root of bitterness” spring up in our hearts (Hebrews 12:15). Hatred also destroys the personal witness of a Christian because it removes him from fellowship with the Lord and other believers. Let us be careful to do as the Lord advised and keep short accounts with everyone about everything, no matter how small, and the Lord will be faithful to forgive, as He has promised (1 John 1:9; 2:1)."

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In Memory Of:

Dallas Police Officer Darren Burke.

DPD officer Darren Burke was fatally shot on the evening of August 29th, at around 10 30 pm CDT time. Two other officers were shot and critically wounded in trying to help Officer Darren Burke in a neighborhood district known as the Oak Cliff district in South Dallas TX. The assailant was later shot and killed by both DPD officers and Lewisville PD officers after a high speed chase that ended in Lewisville TX.

Please be praying for the surviving family members of Officer Darren Burke and his fellow officers who were also shot and critically wounded in the line of duty while they had come under heavy gunfire with a suspected gang member.


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